The most reliable & comprehensive cryptocurrency data API for traders and developers
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Trusted by Thousands of Industry Builders
Powerful Crypto Data API
Access real-time crypto price, market data, NFT floor prices, trading volume, trading pairs, metadata, historical data, and more with our crypto data API.
10 billion+
Calls per month
10 years+
Historical data
One API for All Crypto Market Data
Independently sourced & aggregated data
- Data for over 17,000+ cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum tracked across over 1,000+ crypto exchanges like Binance,, and Kraken
- More than 2M+ tokens data tracked across 100+ blockchain networks and 800+ decentralised exchanges
- 2,000+ NFT collections tracked across 20+ marketplaces like Opensea, Looksrare and more!
Solid team of cryptocurrency specialists working hard to bring top notch cryptocurrency data
- In operation since early 2014
- 99.9% uptime
- Battle-tested with strong industry collaborations & product dogfooding
- 24x7 operation support working around the clock the ensure timely data update
All the info you’ll ever need at your fingertips
- Over 70+ endpoints with more coming soon!
- Comprehensive real-time and historical data across all cryptocurrency categories
- Our NFT Data API to track market data for NFT collections
- Access on-chain DEX data for cryptocurrencies not listed on CoinGecko
Crypto, NFT, Ethereum & Bitcoin Price API
Simplify the integration process & reduce technical barriers with our user-friendly API documentation.
Endpoint Category | Description |
/simple/* | The simplest & fastest endpoints to call the latest price of crypto assets, by id or contract address. |
/coins/* | Endpoints that return list of coins on CoinGecko, and their respective price, market data, historical data, and metadata (image, descriptions, links, followers, token supply info, etc). More exclusive endpoints are available to discover trending coins, newly added coins and more. |
/contract/* | Works similarly as /coins/* endpoint above, except that it is queried by contract address, instead of api id. |
/asset_platforms | To get the full list of blockchain network supported on CoinGecko. |
/coins/categories/* | To get the full list of categories supported by CoinGecko & its market data, as seen on Categories page. |
/nfts/* | Endpoints that return list of NFT collections on CoinGecko, and their respective floor price, market data, metadata, and historical data. |
/onchain/* | Endpoints that return on-chain market data from DEXes, such as price & volume of any token based on token or pool address. Other data include liquidity pools, OHLCV, and more. |
/exchanges/* | Endpoints that return list of exchanges on CoinGecko, and their respective market data, tickers (trading pairs), metadata, and historical data. |
/derivatives/* | Endpoints that return list of derivative exchanges on CoinGecko, and their respective market data, tickers (trading pairs), and metadata. |
/search/* | To get query search result of coins, categories and exchanges. |
/search/trending/* | To get the current trending search coins on CoinGecko. |
/global/* | To get global crypto data such as current and historical global market cap. |
/companies/* | To get public companies data such as BTC and ETH treasuries. |
// Get live prices and market data
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// Discover trending coins, NFTs and categories
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Why Web3 Projects Use CoinGecko
The CoinGecko data market APIs are a set of robust APIs that developers can use to not only enhance their existing apps and services but also to build advanced crypto market apps.

Matthew Tan
CEO, Etherscan
Overall, we rely upon accurate prices for our product, and CoinGecko API is very helpful in providing correct prices to power Zerion Application.
View Case Study

Andrey Balyasnikov
CTO, Zerion
CoinGecko is at a whole different level in terms of responsibility and respond-ability. They are quick to solve any issue, zero complain! CoinGecko is enabling FanMarketCap to do a good job providing the best place to find information about fan tokens.
View Case Study

Joe Grech
Founder, FanMarketCap
Frequently Asked Questions
Is CoinGecko API free?
- CoinGecko API offers both free and paid plans. The Demo API plan is accessible to all CoinGecko users at zero cost, with a stable rate limit of 30 calls/min and a monthly cap of 10,000 calls. Paid plans start at $129/mo, offering a higher rate limit of 500 calls/min and a monthly cap of 500,000 calls.
What is the CoinGecko API?
CoinGecko API is a cryptocurrency data api for traders, developers and projects, supplying real-time and historical crypto prices, market data, trading pairs, metadata, NFT collection floor prices and more through its endpoints. Integrate CoinGecko API into your application or website to display accurate crypto prices and data.
CoinGecko aggregates cryptocurrency price and market data across centralized and decentralized exchanges, providing reliable, comprehensive and accurate crypto price data trusted by millions worldwide. Learn more about our Methodology, on how we calculate and evaluate metrics. -
How do I connect to CoinGecko API?
- You can connect or call the API through its RESTful JSON endpoints using HTTP requests. Select the relevant endpoints as listed on the API documentation, for your query.
What are the rate limits for CoinGecko API?
- The CoinGecko Demo API plan has a rate limit of 30 calls/min, while paid plans offer a higher rate limit of 500 to 1,000 calls/min. Get in touch with our Business Development team if you’d like to explore higher rate limits on a custom Enterprise plan.
What are the common use cases of CoinGecko API?
Traders, developers and projects commonly use CoinGecko API in their crypto web or mobile applications to show live crypto prices, market data, trading pairs and other metadata. These applications are not limited to: wallets, exchanges, portfolio screeners and trackers, analytics & tools, trading or AI chat bots, and crypto accounting platforms.
Financial firms, professional traders and researchers rely on CoinGecko API to retrieve historical price data to conduct analyses and backtest trading strategies, track portfolio profit and loss, discover the latest trending coins and categories, and more. Check out our case studies! -
Can I get both live and historical crypto prices with CoinGecko API?
Yes, you can get both live and historical crypto prices with CoinGecko API.
For live prices, you can use endpoints like /simple/price or /coins/markets, which provide the real-time data for specified cryptocurrencies.
For historical market data, you can use endpoints like /coins/{id}/market_chart or /coins/{id}/history. -
Can I access on-chain data from CoinGecko API?
Yes! Paid API subscribers can access on-chain DEX data through 20 new endpoints on CoinGecko API. Key data sets include crypto liquidity pools, token data by contract address and OHLCV chart data.
This data is powered by our sister product, GeckoTerminal, which monitors real-time crypto price, trading volume, transactions, liquidity and more, on over 1,400 DEXes across 200 blockchain networks – including popular platforms like Uniswap, PancakeSwap, Orca, Curve, and Balancer. -
What are some examples of on-chain data provided by CoinGecko API?
Here are some examples of on-chain data:
- Price, volume, historical chart, and other market data of 5M+ tokens traded across 200+ blockchain networks, including Ethereum, Solana, TON, BNB Chain, and Base.
- A list of all the pools that are trading a specific token.
- OHLCV data (Open, High, Low, Close, Volume) of a pool to plot a candlestick chart
- A list of all the networks and DEXes supported by GeckoTerminal.
Supercharge your project
with CoinGecko API
Unlock more possibilities with reliable, accurate and comprehensive crypto price data.

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