Segregated Witness (SegWit)
By CoinGecko | Updated on Mar 03, 2020
Formally "Segragated Witness (Consensus Layer)" or BIP141, Segwit removes digital signature data and moving it to the end of a transaction to free up capacity. Transactions are essentially split (or 'segregated'), into two segments: the original data segment and the signature (or 'witness') segment. The declared purpose of Segwit was to prevent nonintentional bitcoin transaction malleability, allow optional data transmission, and to bypass certain protocol restrictions (such as the block size limit)
Related Terms
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Central Ledger
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A term used to indicate negative sentiment towards the market or an asset, where investors believe that there will be downward price movement.
Secure Asset Fund for Users (SAFU)
A feature created by Binance which contains reserve funds that can be used to reimburse users in case of a catastrophic event (eg. exchange hack)
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