Level up your crypto journey - Go Ad-Free with CoinGecko Premium.
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Stripe handles the payment process for us. Acceptable payment methods include all major credit cards supported by Stripe.
In order to cancel your subscription, you may head over to Subscription page under your account, and click on "Cancel Plan".
Yes, you will be notified via email.
Depending on the setting you have selected - Stripe's payment processing may charge you automatically for the next billing cycle and extend your subscription with us. You may check the settings at this account.
Note that your subscription will remain active for the duration of the paid period.
Subscriptions are non-refundable.
In accordance with legal guidelines, we apply the appropriate tax rates based on your location. For customers in Singapore, a 9% Goods and Services Tax (GST) is applied as set by the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS). Additionally, for customers in the European Union (EU), different taxes are applied according to the EU One-Stop Shop (OSS) tax rates specific to each member state. For more information on GST in Singapore, please visit IRAS GST. For more information on EU OSS tax rates, please visit EU OSS.
For customers in the United Kingdom, a 20% Value Added Tax (VAT) is applied as per HM Revenue & Customs regulations. For customers in Switzerland, an 8.1% VAT is applied in accordance with the Swiss Federal Tax Administration.
If you have previously subscribed with a credit card, please take a moment to ensure that your payment details are valid. If they are then there should be no further action required as you will be automatically renewed until the next billing cycle (either monthly/annually)
Unfortunately that is not available as an option due to technical limitations of switching between payment providers.
[Legacy Premium and Premium+ users who subscribed before 9 May 2022] If you miss the renewal window, your plan will expire and you will no longer be able to subscribe to the legacy plans. You will have to resubscribe to the latest plans available, which are the updated Premium (Monthly/Annual) options.
[Legacy Premium and Premium+ users who subscribed before 9 May 2022] You will not be affected by this pricing change as you will be able to continue renewing your subscription with the previous pricing. For monthly subscribers, it will be $5/month for Premium, $10/month for Premium+. For Annual subscribers, it will be $49.90/year for Premium and $99.90/year for Premium+.