אסימוני Aave (aave-tokens)
Account Abstraction (account-abstraction)
AI Agent Launchpad (ai-agent-launchpad)
Airdropped Tokens by NFT Projects (airdropped-tokens-by-nft-projects)
Alleged SEC Securities (alleged-sec-securities)
ניתוח (analytics)
Animal Racing (animal-racing)
Appchains (appchains)
AI Applications (ai-applications)
אסימונים מגובים בנכסים (asset-backed-tokens)
מציאות רבודה (augmented-reality)
יוצר שוק אוטומטי (AMM) (automated-market-maker-amm)
Avalanche L1 (avalanche-subnet)
Axie Infinity (axie-infinity)
Binance HODLer Airdrops (binance-hodler-airdrops)
Binance Launchpad (binance-launchpad)
Binance Launchpool (binance-launchpool)
Binance Megadrop (binance-megadrop)
Binance-Peg Tokens (binance-peg-tokens)
Bitcoin Fork (bitcoin-fork)
Bitcoin Sidechains (bitcoin-layer-2)
BitStarters Launchpad (bitstarters-launchpad)
Bittensor Ecosystem (bittensor-ecosystem)
Bridged DAI (bridged-dai)
Bridged FRAX (bridged-frax)
Bridged Stablecoins (bridged-stablecoins)
Bridged-Tokens (bridged-tokens)
Bridged USDC (bridged-usdc)
Bridged USDT (bridged-usdt)
Bridged WAVAX (bridged-wavax)
Bridged WBNB (bridged-wbnb)
Bridged WBTC (bridged-wbtc)
Bridged WETH (bridged-weth)
Bridged wstETH (bridged-wsteth)
BTCfi (btcfi)
Camelot Launchpad (camelot-launchpad)
בורסה מרכזית (CEX) (centralized-exchange-token-cex)
Centralized Finance (CeFi) (centralized-finance-cefi)
צדקה (charity)
Chinese Meme (chinese-meme)
Christmas Themed (christmas-themed)
Clanker Ecosystem (clanker-ecosystem)
אסימוני Compound (compound-tokens)
Cross-chain Communication (cross-chain-communication)
Cybersecurity (cybersecurity)
daos.fun Ecosystem (daos-fun-ecosystem)
Data Availability (data-availability)
נגזרות (decentralized-derivatives)
מימון מבוזר (DeFi) (decentralized-finance-defi)
Curve Ecosystem (curve-ecosystem)
בורסה מבוזרת (DEX) (decentralized-exchange)
Dex Aggregator (dex-aggregator)
Index Coop Index (index-coop-index)
ביטוח (insurance)
מלווים/לווים (lending-borrowing)
Liquid Staking (liquid-staking)
אסימוני ממשל הימור נוזלי (liquid-staking-governance-tokens)
אסימוני סיכון נזילים (liquid-staking-tokens)
LSDFi (lsdfi)
Stablecoin Protocol (stablecoin-protocol)
מנפיק סינטתי (synthetic-assets)
Yield Optimizer (yield-optimizer)
Yield Tokenization Protocol (yield-tokenization)
אפשרויות (decentralized-options)
צמיתים (decentralized-perpetuals)
Decentralized Science (DeSci) (decentralized-science-desci)
DeFAI (defai)
אינדקס DeFi (defi-index)
Index Coop Defi Index (defi-pulse-index-dpi)
DePIN (depin)
Desci Meme (desci-meme)
Discord Bots (discord-bots)
DN-404 (dn-404)
סביבה (eco-friendly)
E-commerce (e-commerce)
חינוך (education)
Emoji-Themed (emoji-themed)
אנרגיה (energy)
בידור (entertainment)
ERC20i (erc20i)
ERC 404 (erc-404)
EFT (etf)
Ether.fi Ecosystem (ether-fi-ecosystem)
אסימונים מבוססי-בורסה (exchange-based-tokens)
Farcaster Ecosystem (farcaster-ecosystem)
חוואות כשירות (FaaS) (farming-as-a-service-faas)
Fixed Interest (fixed-interest)
Flaunch Ecosystem (flaunch-ecosystem)
Friend.tech Ecosystem (friend-tech)
הימורים (gambling)
גיימינג (GameFi) (gaming)
Adventure Games (adventure-games)
Breeding (breeding)
Card Games (card-games)
Farming Games (farming-games)
Fighting Games (fighting-games)
Gaming Blockchains (gaming-blockchains)
Gaming Governance Token (gaming-governance-token)
Gaming Platform (gaming-platform)
Gaming Utility Token (gaming-utility-token)
גילדות ומלגות (guild-scholarship)
זוז די להרוויח (move-to-earn)
On-chain Gaming (on-chain-gaming)
שחק כדי להרוויח (play-to-earn)
Racing Games (racing-games)
RPG (rpg)
Shooting Games (shooting-games)
Simulation Games (simulation-games)
Sports Games (sports-games)
Strategy Games (strategy-games)
Tap to Earn (tap-to-earn)
Gotchiverse (gotchiverse)
שירותי בריאות (healthcare)
Hybrid Token Standards (hybrid-token-standards)
HyperXpad Launchpad (hyperxpad-launchpad)
זהות (identity)
מטבע יציב של IDR (idr-stablecoin)
פלטפורמת Impossible Launchpad (impossible-launchpad)
תשתית (infrastructure)
Bridge Governance Tokens (bridge-governance-tokens)
Inscriptions (inscriptions)
ASC-20 (asc-20)
Atomicals (ARC-20) (atomicals-arc-20)
BRC-20 (brc-20)
DRC-20 (drc-20)
SRC-20 (src-20)
Intent (intent)
האינטרנט של הדברים (IOT) (internet-of-things-iot)
שיגור Kommunitas (kommunitas)
מטבע יציב של KRW (krw-stablecoin)
Launchpad (launchpad)
ChainGPT Launchpad (chaingpt-pad)
מערכת אקולוגית של DaoMaker (daomaker-ecosystem)
PAAL AI Launchpad (paal-ai)
Layer 0 (L0) (layer-0-l0)
שכבה 1 (L1) (layer-1)
שכבה 2 (L2) (layer-2)
Layer 3 (L3) (layer-3-l3)
משפטי (legal)
אסימון ממונף (leveraged-token)
Liquid Staked APT (liquid-staked-apt)
Liquid Staked ETH (liquid-staked-eth)
Liquid Staked SOL (liquid-staked-sol)
LRTfi (lrtfi)
Made in China (made-in-china)
Made in USA (made-in-usa)
שיווק (marketing)
Market-Making Solution (market-making-solution)
Mascot-Themed (mascot-themed)
חוליות מאסטר (masternodes)
Anime-Themed (anime-themed-coins)
Base Meme (base-meme-coins)
Cat-Themed (cat-themed-coins)
Celebrity-Themed (celebrity-themed-coins)
Country-Themed Meme (country-themed-meme-coins)
Dog-Themed (dog-themed-coins)
Duck-Themed (duck-themed-coins)
Elon Musk-Inspired (elon-musk-inspired-coins)
Frog-Themed (frog-themed-coins)
Parody Meme (parody-meme-coins)
PolitiFi (politifi)
Pump.fun Ecosystem (pump-fun)
Sticker-Themed Coins (sticker-themed-coin)
Sui Meme (sui-meme)
Sun Pump Ecosystem (sun-pump-ecosystem)
The Boy’s Club (the-boy-s-club)
TON Meme (ton-meme-coins)
TRON Meme (tron-meme)
Wall Street Bets Themed (wall-street-bets-themed-coins)
Memorial Themed (memorial-themed)
מטא משילות (metagovernance)
Metaverse (metaverse)
הגנת MEV (mev-protection)
Modular Blockchain (modular-blockchain)
Morpho Ecosystem (morpho-ecosystem)
Murad Picks (murad-picks)
מוסיקה (music)
Name Service (name-service)
NFT Derivatives (nft-derivatives)
NFTFi (nftfi)
NFT Lending/Borrowing (nft-lending-borrowing)
NFT (non-fungible-tokens-nft)
Floor Protocol Tokens (flooring-protocol)
NFT מפוצל (fractionalized-nft)
אינדקס NFT (nft-index)
שוק NFT (nft-marketplace)
מלזג אוהם (ohm-fork)
Olympus Pro (olympus-pro)
Oracle (oracle)
Parallelized EVM (parallel-evm)
Payment Solutions (payment-solutions)
Poolz Finance Launchpad (poolz-finance-launchpad)
שוקי חיזוי (prediction-markets)
Privacy Blockchain (privacy-blockchain)
מטבעות פרטיות (privacy-coins)
Proof of Stake (PoS) (proof-of-stake-pos)
Proof of Work (PoW) (proof-of-work-pow)
Pump Science Ecosystem (pump-science-ecosystem)
Quest-to-Earn (quest-to-earn)
Real World Assets (RWA) (real-world-assets-rwa)
נדל"ן (real-estate)
אסימוני RealT (realt-tokens)
RWA Protocol (rwa-protocol)
Tokenized Commodities (tokenized-commodities)
זהב בערך אסימון (tokenized-gold)
Tokenized Silver (tokenized-silver)
מניה מומרת לאסימונים (tokenized-stock)
Tokenized Treasury Bills (T-Bills) (tokenized-t-bills)
Tokenized Treasury Bonds (T-Bonds) (tokenized-treasury-bonds-t-bonds)
אסימוני Rebase (rebase-tokens)
Recruitment (recruitment-solutions)
נקודות Reddit (reddit-points)
Restaking (restaking)
Liquid Restaked ETH (liquid-restaked-eth)
Liquid Restaked SOL (liquid-restaked-sol)
Liquid Restaking Governance Tokens (liquid-restaking-governance-token)
Liquid Restaking Tokens (liquid-restaking-tokens)
קמעונאי (retail)
Rollup (rollup)
Rollups-as-a-Service (RaaS) (rollups-as-a-service-raas)
Runes (runes)
Seigniorage (seigniorage)
מטבע יציב של sgd (sgd-stablcoin)
SideChain (sidechain)
פלטפורמת חוזה חכמה (smart-contract-platform)
כסף חברתי (socialfi)
SPL22 (spl22)
Spore.fun Ecosystem (spore-fun-ecosystem)
ספורט (sports)
אסימון מעריצים (fan-token)
מטבעות יציבים (stablecoins)
Algorithmic Stablecoin (algorithmic-stablecoin)
מטבע יציב של CNY (cny-stablecoin)
Commodity-backed Stablecoin (commodity-backed-stablecoin)
Crypto-backed Stablecoin (crypto-backed-stablecoin)
מטבע יציב של EUR (eur-stablecoin)
Fiat-backed Stablecoin (fiat-backed-stablecoin)
מטבע יציב של GBP (gbp-stablecoin)
אסימון יציב jpy (jpy-stablecoin)
מטבע יציב של USD (usd-stablecoin)
Stock market-themed (stock-market-themed)
אחסון (storage)
STX.CITY Ecosystem (stx-city-ecosystem)
Optimism Superchain Ecosystem (superchain-ecosystem)
נכסים סינטתיים (synths)
Telegram Apps (telegram_apps)
Terminal of Truths (terminal-of-truths)
Solana Token-2022 (token-2022)
TokenFi Launchpad (tokenfi-launchpad)
מוצרים מומרים לאסימונים (tokenized-products)
TokenSets (tokensets)
תיירות (tourism)
אסימון יציב TRY (try-stablecoins)
Animoca Brands Portfolio (animoca-brands)
Consensys Portfolio (consensys-portofolio)
מציאות מדומה (virtual-reality)
Virtuals Protocol Ecosystem (virtuals-protocol-ecosystem)
VPN (vpn)
ארנקים (wallets)
Wojak-Themed (wojak-themed)
World Liberty Financial Portfolio (world-liberty-financial-portfolio)
נכסי Wormhole (wormhole-assets)
אסימונים עטופים (wrapped-tokens)
אסימונים של Yearn Vault (yearn-vault-tokens)
מערכת אקולוגית של Yearn (yearn-yfi-partnerships-mergers)
צבר תשואה (yield-aggregator)
חוואות תשואה (yield-farming)
Yield Tokenization Product (yield-tokenization-product)
אפס ידע (ZK) (zero-knowledge-zk)
Zodiac-Themed (zodiac-themed)
Zoo-Themed (zoo-themed)