Historien om CoinGecko
TM (CEO) and Bobby (COO) founded CoinGecko on April 8, 2014, with the mission to democratize access to cryptocurrency data and empower users with actionable insights. Since then, we have equipped millions of users globally with the tools and knowledge to succeed in the world of cryptocurrency.
We provide users with a comprehensive 360-degree view of the market and deliver accurate, reliable and in-depth information from thousands of data points – including price, trading volume, market capitalization, contract addresses, community statistics and more.
CoinGecko er verdens største uafhængige kryptovalutadataaggregator, som følger over 17,000+ forskellige kryptoaktiver på mere end 1,000+ børser over hele verden.
CoinGecko er verdens største uafhængige kilde til pålidelige kryptovalutadata og citeres hyppigt i forskellige publikationer inden for branchen.
Journey through our significant milestones, since our inception in 2014.

places in crypto. Make a global impact.

places in crypto. Make a global impact.