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Vita Inu
0.0122509 BTC
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Convert Vita Inu to Binance Coin (VINU to BNB)
The price of converting 1 Vita Inu (VINU) to BNB is BNB0.0103475 today.
1 VINU = BNB0.0103475
VINU to BNB Chart
Vita Inu (VINU) is worth BNB0.0103475 today, which is a 0.6% increase from an hour ago and a 1.6% increase since yesterday. The value of VINU today is 25.2% lower compared to its value 7 days ago. In the last 24 hours, the total volume of Vita Inu traded was BNB15,320.4426.
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1h | 24h | 7d | 14d | 30d | 1y |
0.8% | 6.2% | 25.6% | 18.8% | 50.0% | 61.4% |
Vita Inu Statistics
Market Cap
Market Cap = Current Price x Circulating Supply
Refers to the total market value of a cryptocurrency’s circulating supply. It is similar to the stock market’s measurement of multiplying price per share by shares readily available in the market (not held & locked by insiders, governments) Read More |
BNB31,315.7919 |
Market Cap / FDV
The proportion of current market capitalization compares to market capitalization when meeting max supply.
The closer the Mkt Cap/FDV to 1, the closer the current market capitalization to its fully diluted valuation and vice versa. Learn more about Mkt Cap/FDV here. |
1.0 |
Fully Diluted Valuation
Fully Diluted Valuation (FDV) = Current Price x Total Supply
Fully Diluted Valuation (FDV) is the theoretical market capitalization of a coin if the entirety of its supply is in circulation, based on its current market price. The FDV value is theoretical as increasing the circulating supply of a coin may impact its market price. Also depending on the tokenomics, emission schedule or lock-up period of a coin's supply, it may take a significant time before its entire supply is released into circulation. Learn more about FDV here. |
BNB31,315.7919 |
24 Hour Trading Vol
A measure of a cryptocurrency trading volume across all tracked platforms in the last 24 hours. This is tracked on a rolling 24-hour basis with no open/closing times.
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BNB15,320.4426 |
Circulating Supply
The amount of coins that are circulating in the market and are tradeable by the public. It is comparable to looking at shares readily available in the market (not held & locked by insiders, governments).
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Est. Circulating Supply
Total Supply
The amount of coins that have already been created, minus any coins that have been burned (removed from circulation). It is comparable to outstanding shares in the stock market.
Total Supply = Onchain supply - burned tokens |
899,597,099,888,949 |
Max Supply
The maximum number of coins coded to exist in the lifetime of the cryptocurrency. It is comparable to the maximum number of issuable shares in the stock market.
Max Supply = Theoretical maximum as coded |
899,597,099,888,949 |
How much is 1 Vita Inu worth in BNB?
- As of now, the price of 1 Vita Inu (VINU) in Binance Coin (BNB) is about BNB0.0103475.
How many VINU can I buy for BNB1?
- You can buy approximately 28773086255 VINU for BNB1 today.
How do I convert the price of VINU to BNB?
- Calculate the price of VINU in BNB by inputting your desired amount on CoinGecko’s VINU to BNB converter. For a detailed view of VINU’s historical price movements in BNB, you may refer to the VINU to BNB chart.
What is the highest price of VINU/BNB in history?
- The all-time high price of 1 VINU in BNB is BNB0.091754, recorded on Dec 06, 2024 (about 1 month). It remains to be seen if the value of 1 VINU/BNB will exceed the current all-time high.
What is the price trend of Vita Inu in BNB?
- Over the last month, the price of Vita Inu (VINU) has gone down by -48.70% against the Binance Coin (BNB). In fact, Vita Inu has underperformed against the broader crypto market, which is up by -8.40%.
VINU / BNB Conversion Tables
The conversion rate of Vita Inu (VINU) to BNB is BNB0.0103475 for every 1 VINU. This means you can exchange 5 VINU for BNB0.000000000173774 or BNB50.000 for 1438654312759 VINU, excluding fees. Refer to our conversion tables for popular VINU trading amounts in their corresponding BNB prices and vice versa.
Convert Vita Inu (VINU) to BNB
0.01 VINU | 0.000000000000347547 BNB |
0.1 VINU | 0.000000000003475 BNB |
1 VINU | 0.000000000034755 BNB |
2 VINU | 0.000000000069509 BNB |
5 VINU | 0.000000000173774 BNB |
10 VINU | 0.000000000347547 BNB |
20 VINU | 0.000000000695094 BNB |
50 VINU | 0.000000001738 BNB |
100 VINU | 0.000000003475 BNB |
1000 VINU | 0.000000034755 BNB |
Convert Binance Coin (BNB) to VINU
0.01 BNB | 287730863 VINU |
0.1 BNB | 2877308626 VINU |
1 BNB | 28773086255 VINU |
2 BNB | 57546172510 VINU |
5 BNB | 143865431276 VINU |
10 BNB | 287730862552 VINU |
20 BNB | 575461725103 VINU |
50 BNB | 1438654312759 VINU |
100 BNB | 2877308625517 VINU |
1000 BNB | 28773086255170 VINU |
7-day price history of Vita Inu (VINU) to BNB
The daily exchange rate of Vita Inu (VINU) to BNB fluctuated between a high of BNB0.000000000046426 on Wednesday and a low of BNB0.000000000034755 on Tuesday in the last 7 days. Within the week, the price of VINU in BNB had the largest 24-hour price movement on Thursday (5 days ago) by -BNB0.000000000007958 (17.1%).
Compare the daily prices of Vita Inu (VINU) in BNB and their 24-hour price movements for the week.
Compare the daily prices of Vita Inu (VINU) in BNB and their 24-hour price movements for the week.
Date | Day of the week | 1 VINU to BNB | 24hr Changes | Change % |
January 14, 2025 | Tuesday | BNB0.000000000034755 | BNB0.000000000000549029 | 1.6% |
January 13, 2025 | Monday | BNB0.000000000037425 | -BNB0.000000000001099 | 2.9% |
January 12, 2025 | Sunday | BNB0.000000000038525 | -BNB0.000000000000503005 | 1.3% |
January 11, 2025 | Saturday | BNB0.000000000039028 | BNB0.000000000001240 | 3.3% |
January 10, 2025 | Friday | BNB0.000000000037787 | -BNB0.000000000000680922 | 1.8% |
January 09, 2025 | Thursday | BNB0.000000000038468 | -BNB0.000000000007958 | 17.1% |
January 08, 2025 | Wednesday | BNB0.000000000046426 | -BNB0.000000000002182 | 4.5% |