By Cryptomcmillan1 | Updated on May 24, 2020
In context of trading, the term bloodbath is commonly used to describe a market which is on a downtrend with many assets suffering from value depreciation. It is likely created from the term "blood in the streets" used to depict a bearish market sentiment.
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Ring Signature
A type of digital signature performed in a group where it becomes impossible to determine which member's key in the group were used for the digital signature.
Pay-Per-Share (PPS)
You are compensated for each valid share that you contribute. Each share is worth a set amount of cryptocurrency that may be mined.
Hyperledger (Hyperledger Foundation)
Hyperledger is an open source collaborative effort to create blockchain technologies hosted by The Linux Foundation since 2016.
Bitcoin ATM
A machine from which you can buy or sell Bitcoin. Typically also offers different types of cryptocurrencies.

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