Dusting Attack
By CoinGecko | Updated on Aug 13, 2021
A new form of malicious activity in which hackers and scammers attempt to undermine the privacy of cryptocurrency users by sending little amounts of money to their wallets. The attackers then track the transactional activity of these wallets, combining several addresses to deanonymize the person or entity behind each wallet.
Related Terms
Money Printer Go Brrr
A meme made to describe the US Fed printing excessive amount of money to support the traditional financial market to avert the stock market crash during the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic.
Abbreviation for ‘number only used once’ It is of vital importance next to the hash in the verification of data from the Bitcoin blockchain network.
The state of locking-in significant amount of token to participate as a validator of a Proof-of-Stake network.
Merkle Tree
A Merkle tree is also known as a hash tree in cryptography. It is a tree where every lead node is labelled with cryptographic hash of a data block, and every non-leaf node is labelled with the hash of the labels of its child nodes. It is used to verify of data stored within it and transferable in and between computers.

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