By Cryptomcmillan1 | Updated on May 24, 2020
Flappening is a term used to describe Litecoin growing bigger and becoming more valuable than Bitcoin Cash (BCH). It is spawned from the term Flippening (used when another crypto overtakes Bitcoin). Flappening is likely a term as the Litecoin community also circulates a meme called "Arise chikun(chicken)" to describe the rise in price of the coin.
Related Terms
Explain Like I'm Five (ELI5)
To explain in such simple terms that even a five-year-old would be able to understand it.
A financial instrument which derives its value from the performance of an underlying asset or index (eg. gold, crude oil)
It is a financial instruments that refers to a contract offers the buyer the right to buy or sell an underlying assets at a specified price and time.
Pump and Dump Scheme
A market manipulation method to drive up the price of an asset before profiting by driving it back down.

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