Rug Pull
By CoinGecko | Updated on Aug 12, 2021
In the English lexicon, to pull the rug out (from under someone) means to to suddenly take away important support (from someone). In the context of crypto and Decentralized Finance (DeFi), having been rug pulled means to have liquidity removed from a Decentralized Exchange (DEX) liquidity pool. This results in a sell death spiral as other liquidity provider, holder and traders panic at the loss of available liquidity for trading. Once liquidity has been drained, token holders are usually left with illiquid assets which may not be tradeable anywhere else. It is worth noting that many projects have taken measures to alleviate rug pulling risks by committing certain level of liquidity in a way that can't be removed (ie, LP Token Burn, Liquidity Locking contract..etc). However, it does not fully eliminate rug pulling risks and market participants should conduct due diligence prior to trading.
Related Terms
Impermanent Loss
Temporary loss of funds due to volatility leading to divergence in price between token pairs provided by liquidity providers.
Relative Strength Index (RSI)
Relative Strength Index (RSI) is a popular technical indicator used to analyse financial markets. By charting the current and historical closing prices to evaluate overbought/oversold conditions, RSI oscillates between 0 - 100, with <30 indicating oversold and >70 indicating overbought.
Cryptotrading without Due Diligence and research - basically gambling
Buy/Sell Tax
On-chain buy or sell tax rate where a percentage of the tokens bought/sold will be transferred to a set address.
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