Sim Swapping
By Cryptomcmillan1 | Updated on May 24, 2020
It is a tactic where hacker overtake the mobile phone to exploit the two-factor authentication and two-step verification. Once the hacker gotten hold of the victim's mobile phone number, they could proceed to convince the telco company to migrate the victim's phone number to the hacker's number. Otherwise, they could also intercept any authentication and verification number via text messages or mobile phone and bypass the security of personal accounts such as bank accounts and social media accounts.
Related Terms
Pump and Dump Scheme
A market manipulation method to drive up the price of an asset before profiting by driving it back down.
A system where there are no centralized points of failure or organization with no central authority figure.
Cryptotrading without Due Diligence and research - basically gambling
In the context of blockchain, block refers to the collection of transactional data or information that are bundled together in a predetermined size.

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