Solo Staker
By Qtum | Updated on Sep 14, 2020
A Qtum PoS miner using their own coins for staking. Qtum blockchain launched with Solo Stakers and will continue to have this available after offline staking launches.
Related Terms
It refers to transactions occuring outside the blockchain and executed instantly.
Ethereum Name Service (ENS)
Ethereum Name Service (ENS) is a look-up service that allows Ethereum users to find websites or send and receive funds via simple names.
Proof-of-Burn (PoB)
A consensus algorthm that assigns block validation queue based on the coins/token burned by the validator.
"Moon" or "To the moon" is a crypto slang that describes an exclamation when the cryptocurrencies prices are rising and when it hit the peak, the coin is said to be "mooning".
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