Total Value Locked
By CoinGecko | Updated on Aug 13, 2021
Total Value Locked (TVL) represents the number of assets that are currently staked in a protocol or the total quantity of underlying amount of funds that a DeFi protocol has secured.
Related Terms
Hard cap
The maximum amount that an ICO will be raising.
Transactions Per Second (TPS)
It is number of transactions done per second. For example, there are 10 transactions of Bitcoin done in 1-minute. The TPS would be 10 transactions/60 seconds = ~0.17 TPS.
Unspent Transaction Output
(abbv. "UTXO") Coins that are unspent in the wallet. UTXO virtually represents the cryptocurrency one own in the wallet.
It is a decentralized type-of-wallet, where the users owns its private keys.
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