end of sartoshi Price
0.012 ETH
end of sartoshi Statistics
Market Cap | |
24h Volume | 206.9% 1561.6% |
24h Sales | 23 1050.0% |
24h Average Sale Price | 44.5% |
Unique Owners | 6,955 (40.92%) |
Total Assets | 16,997 |
All-Time High |
$151.50 USD
0.125899 ETH
Jan 26, 2023 (about 2 years)
Jan 02, 2023 (about 2 years)

end of sartoshi
0.01190 ETH
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24h | 7d | 14d | 30d | 60d | 1y |
32.2% | 25.6% | 0.0% | 19.1% | 40.2% | 15.0% |
What is end of sartoshi?
end of sartoshi (END) is an NFT collection. end of sartoshi (END) price floor today is $32.44, with a 24 hour sales volume of 0.19 ETH. As of today, there is a total of 16,997 NFTs minted, held by 6,955 unique owners, and has a total market cap of $551,336.
sartoshi’s last artwork. more info
Where to buy end of sartoshi NFT?
You can buy and sell end of sartoshi (END) on X2Y2, OpenSea, Blur, and LooksRare.
How many end of sartoshi NFTs are there?
There is a total of 16,997 unique NFTs in the end of sartoshi collection.
How many holders are collecting the end of sartoshi NFT?
There is a total 6,955 unique addresses that are holding the END NFT.
end of sartoshi Marketplaces
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