Lens Protocol Profiles Price
Market Cap | |
24h Volume | 41.1% 42.1% |
24h Sales | 94 26.0% |
24h Average Sale Price | 21.8% |
Unique Owners | 542,652 (84.27%) |
Total Assets | 643,921 |
All-Time High |
$279.77 USD
0.157 ETH
Mar 27, 2023 (almost 2 years)
Mar 27, 2023 (almost 2 years)
24h | 7d | 14d | 30d | 60d | 1y |
0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 1.3816317616263268e+20% | 8943.7% | 97.1% |
What is Lens Protocol Profiles?
Lens Protocol Profiles (LPP) is an NFT collection. Lens Protocol Profiles (LPP) price floor today is $0.420922, with a 24 hour sales volume of 0.016 ETH. As of today, there is a total of 643,921 NFTs minted, held by 542,652 unique owners, and has a total market cap of $271,040.
Planted in this collection, you’ll find all the Lens Protocol Profile NFTs that have been claimed so far. By owning a Lens Profile NFT, you are in control. You can choose where and how you use it. Welcome to a new era of decentralized social media, welcome to Lens!
Where to buy Lens Protocol Profiles NFT?
You can buy and sell Lens Protocol Profiles (LPP) on OpenSea Polygon.
How many Lens Protocol Profiles NFTs are there?
There is a total of 643,921 unique NFTs in the Lens Protocol Profiles collection.
How many holders are collecting the Lens Protocol Profiles NFT?
There is a total 542,652 unique addresses that are holding the LPP NFT.
Lens Protocol Profiles Marketplaces
# | Marketplace | 24h Volume | Floor Price | Creator's Fee | Last Updated | |
1 |
![]() |
0.016 ETH | 0.00016 ETH | 0.0% | 4 minutes | Buy/Sell |