Loot Price
0.14 ETH
Loot Statistics
Market Cap | |
24h Volume | 0.0% 0.0% |
24h Sales | 1 0.0% |
24h Average Sale Price | 0.0% |
Unique Owners | 2,404 (30.9%) |
Total Assets | 7,779 |
All-Time High |
$53,127 USD
13.5 ETH
Sep 04, 2021 (over 3 years)
Sep 04, 2021 (over 3 years)
0.13789 ETH
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24h | 7d | 14d | 30d | 60d | 1y |
0.4% | 0.7% | 4.2% | 31.1% | 34.3% | 79.7% |
What is Loot?
Loot (LOOT) is an NFT collection. Loot (LOOT) price floor today is $456.03, with a 24 hour sales volume of 0.10 ETH. As of today, there is a total of 7,779 NFTs minted, held by 2,404 unique owners, and has a total market cap of $3,547,444.
Loot is randomized adventurer gear generated and stored on chain. Stats, images, and other functionality are intentionally omitted for others to interpret. Feel free to use Loot in any way you want.
Where to buy Loot NFT?
You can buy and sell Loot (LOOT) on Blur, X2Y2, OpenSea, and LooksRare.
How many Loot NFTs are there?
There is a total of 7,779 unique NFTs in the Loot collection.
How many holders are collecting the Loot NFT?
There is a total 2,404 unique addresses that are holding the LOOT NFT.
Loot Marketplaces
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