OverTrip Founder's ID Price
Market Cap | |
24h Volume | 91.6% 91.3% |
24h Sales | 1 85.7% |
24h Average Sale Price | 39.0% |
Unique Owners | 515 (58.0%) |
Total Assets | 888 |
All-Time High |
$1,868.47 USD
0.549 ETH
Apr 07, 2024 (10 months)
Apr 06, 2024 (10 months)
24h | 7d | 14d | 30d | 60d | 1y |
30.2% | 47.1% | 18.6% | 5.8% | 62.4% | 90.7% |
What is OverTrip Founder's ID?
OverTrip Founder's ID (OTFID) is an NFT collection. OverTrip Founder's ID (OTFID) price floor today is $76.32, with a 24 hour sales volume of 0.018 ETH. As of today, there is a total of 888 NFTs minted, held by 515 unique owners, and has a total market cap of $67,769.
The OverTrip Founders' ID is your premier ticket into John Trip's Inner Circle. Get access to the most exclusive benefits to the OverTrip ecosystem including the $TRIP tango, in-game assets, exclusive content, and much more trippy chaos... Are you Trippy?
Where to buy OverTrip Founder's ID NFT?
You can buy and sell OverTrip Founder's ID (OTFID) on OpenSea and Blur.
How many OverTrip Founder's ID NFTs are there?
There is a total of 888 unique NFTs in the OverTrip Founder's ID collection.
How many holders are collecting the OverTrip Founder's ID NFT?
There is a total 515 unique addresses that are holding the OTFID NFT.