CoinGecko提供與多種不同加密資產相關的各類資料。我們從各種資料來源收到/查詢到的所有資料,皆透過CoinGecko的各種演算法驗證過其完整真實性。請繼續閱讀,以下內容將概括說明我們是如何計算及評估CoinGecko各種可用指標。<br /> <br />
Trust Score
1. 交易配對
CoinGecko上每組交易配對的Trust Score都是納入下列考量因素後計算而得:
- 交易平台的網站流量統計數據(由SimilarWeb提供)
- 訂單簿價差 & ±2% 深度
- 整體交易量
- 交易頻率
- 離群值檢查
Trust Score會於「Trust Score」欄下方以綠色/黃色/紅色顯示,也可能不顯示。下方的一系列螢幕截圖便說明了不同Trust Score之間的顏色區別。 您也可以直接瀏覽貨幣頁面(例如: Bitcoin、 Litecoin)看看其實際運作!
請注意,每組交易配對算出來的Trust Score並非最終結果,而且會隨著市場情況即時變化。詳細的Trust Score計算方法請見CoinGecko的部落格貼文 此處。 -
2. 加密貨幣交易平台(現貨市場)
現貨市場加密貨幣交易平台的Trust Score會在交易平台的概覽頁面上以1到10的分數顯示。每個類別(流動性/規模/API覆蓋)都是根據上方的明細表中顯示的多個其他指標計算而得。詳細的計算方法可參閱CoinGecko的部落格 summarized format here。
3. 加密貨幣交易平台(衍生性商品)
Trust Score目前並不適用於 衍生性商品交易平台或。衍生性商品交易配對和衍生性商品交易平台是根據其各自公告的未平倉量和交易量數據進行排名。
1. 價格(加密資產)
Calculating the Bitcoin Price Index (BPI)
All ticker data on CoinGecko are stored in BTC base. To convert all ticker data to BTC, we utilize the BPI as the internal reference Bitcoin conversion rate to all fiat currencies.
- BPI Calculation
We begin with calculating the BPIUSD, the reference BTC-USD conversion rate. This is calculated as the volume-weighted average price (VWAP) of selected BTC/USD, BTC/USDT, BTC/USDC, or BTC/EUR tickers across a selection of reputable exchanges. Prior to performing VWAP, USDT and USDC-paired BPI tickers are first converted to USD using a USD_ONRAMP_INDEX, while EUR BPI tickers are converted to USD using Open Exchange Rates. Once we obtain the BPIUSD, we apply the corresponding /USD exchange rate from Open Exchange Rates to obtain the BPI for all other fiat currencies supported on CoinGecko. - Ticker Data Processing
Once the BPI is calculated, we can process the tickers for all coins listed on CoinGecko. Tickers with BTC base are stored as-is in our database. Fiat currency tickers of all other coins are converted to a BTC base by applying the BPI. For crypto-to-crypto tickers, we apply an internal pathfinding algorithm to arrive at the BTC price. Once the price and volume of all tickers are denominated in BTC, they can be converted back to USD or any other fiat currency.
- BPI Calculation
Aggregating the market price for all coins
- Initial Ticker Set Construction
In addition to displaying data from individual tickers, CoinGecko also displays one aggregated market price for coins. For the purpose of price aggregation, an initial ticker set is constructed based on the top 600 tickers by volume of a particular coin. We then filter out tickers if it is detected to be anomalous or do not meet selected criteria. - Price Outlier Detection and Exclusion
One of the most important anomalous ticker filters we utilize is price outlier detection, where tickers that display an outlier price within the ticker set are automatically excluded. There are currently two different outlier detection algorithms depending on the number of available tickers in the ticker set. For coins with less than three tickers, any ticker price change that is greater than 100x from the previous price will be classified as an outlier. For coins with three tickers or more, CoinGecko applies an outlier detection algorithm by calculating the lower and upper bounds based on the 中位數絕對偏差. If the price falls outside the bounds, we consider those tickers as outliers. - Final Price Aggregation
Once outliers have been removed, we calculate the VWAP of all remaining tickers in the ticker set to arrive at the final aggregated price. In certain cases, our operations team may intervene to exclude outliers if the team believes a certain ticker price to be anomalous but was not excluded by our outlier detection algorithm.
- Initial Ticker Set Construction
Calculating the Bitcoin Price Index (BPI)
4. 交易量(交易平台)
交易平台交易量就是一個特定交易平台上所有可用交易配對的交易量總和。舉例來說,假設交易平台A有種不同的貨幣(ETH和LTC),他們都有USD和BTC 的配對:
由CoinGecko的全球交易量加權平均價格得出ETH = USD $200及LTC = USD $100,且每組配對的交易量(24小時滾動)如下:
LTC/BTC = 3,000 LTC
LTC/USD = 2,000 LTC
400 ETH + 100 ETH + 3,000 LTC + 2,000 LTC = USD 600,000
請注意,CoinGecko的交易平台交易量演算法並未將因資料不一致而被列入黑名單及過去3小時內都沒有更新的交易配對納入計算。這是為了確保總交易量能夠盡可能準確地反映出市場情況。 -
5. 交易量(全球)
6. 可用供應量
針對在智慧合約平台上發行的代幣(例如: Ethereum上的ERC-20代幣),我們在計算可用供應量時會將已鎖定的代幣從總供應量中扣除。已鎖定的代幣可能會包括基金會的資金、投資人的已鎖定代幣、團隊的已鎖定代幣等。這些已鎖定代幣的地址則需從該代幣團隊那裡取得。只要API可用,已鎖定地址的代幣餘額就會自動從區塊瀏覽器中取得。以0x為例,由於它是一項ERC-20代幣,所以該0x地址的代幣餘額就會自動從Etherscan取得,並從0x的總供應量中扣除。 -
7. 市值(加密資產)
A = 加密資產目前的USD價格
B = 一項資產的可用供應量
市值 = A * B
例如:0x的市值是以ZRX的可用供應量乘以其價格計算而得。假設ZRX的可用供應量為583,209,787,ZRX的價格為USD 0.25,則其市值的計算方式就是583,209,787 * USD $0.25 = USD 145,802,446.75。 -
8. 市值(全球)
9. 歷史高價 (ATH)
(i) ATH價格
(ii) ATH日期
(iii) 當前價格
(iv) 當前日期
自ATH起的跌幅%= (ATH價格 – 當前價格) / (ATH價格) * 100%
自ATH起的日期 = 當前日期 – ATH日期
(1) 加密資產
- 有效的功能性網站,其中具備欲上架之加密資產的充足資訊。無用途、團隊或社群媒體簡介等資訊的網站將被視為無效。
- 網站必須是該項目/維護團隊所擁有。不接受由網站建立服務業者(即Wix)託管的網站。
- 具備有效的區塊瀏覽器
- 至少已在一 (1) 個已與CoinGecko整合的活躍交易平台上架。
- 基於安全考量,僅可在自助式中心化/去中心化交易平台交易的項目可能會遭到拒絕。
- 為了準確計算市值,可用供應量必須傳達清楚(例如:任何公司/基金會/團隊/開發人員/歸屬/鎖定代幣)。
- 具備一個有效的交易平台網站,且其實際交易量符合API中的資訊。
- 滿足 CoinGecko的加密貨幣交易平台API標準。
- 具備一份有效的REST API文件。
- 有一位代表以便團隊溝通任何問題。
- 貨幣資訊頁面,其中附有交易平台上每項交易貨幣識別所需的名稱、縮寫、標誌、貨幣網站、區塊瀏覽器等基本資訊,以下是可接受之貨幣資訊頁面範例: DeversiFi代幣資訊。
Do’s and Don’ts for Listing Submission:
There are certain things that you can help us with to ensure that the listing process is as smooth as possible.
- Fill in as much accurate information in the CoinGecko申請表.
- Ensure that there are no dead links/bad references.
- Submit a ticket at support.coingecko.com if you have further enquiries.
- Submit multiple requests.
- Repeatedly ask for status updates.
- Offer financial gain to anyone for a listing.
- Accept any offer from others who claim that they can expedite or guarantee your listing.
Remember, CoinGecko representatives will never ask you for any form of listing fees.
- 填寫 CoinGecko申請表。(請參考 此處的指南)
- 申請CoinGecko審核。
- 如果審核通過,CoinGecko密資產上架。
- 申請人可到 此處檢查上架狀態。
- 提交 CoinGecko申請表。
- 申請CoinGecko審核。
- 如果該交易平台滿足所有條件,CoinGecko的代表會透過電子郵件聯絡以便進行交易平台上架協議(適用於CEX上架)。
- CoinGecko的開發人員將會著手進行交易平台整合。
- CoinGecko團隊會再次檢查程式碼,如果所有的檢查都通過,該交易平台的API就會被併入CoinGecko的內部交易平台庫。交易平台必須遵守 CoinGecko的加密貨幣交易平台API標準,方能加快交易平台上架。
- CoinGecko團隊會檢查每一組交易配對,並與已在CoinGecko上架的現有加密資產進行匹配。
- 交易平台資訊(圖像、描述、費用等)將會被自動加入系統中。
- 交易平台整合完成,該交易平台於CoinGecko上架。