What Does Bullish Mean?
The term “Bullish” refers to a positive sentiment for a particular investment or the general market. This refers to a general expectation that the investment or market will grow.
For example, if an investor is “Bullish” on ETH, this would mean that they expect ETH to increase in price.
The term has a positive connotation as there is an expectation that the market will do well, which can mean potential gains for investors.
The term “Bullish” contrasts with “Bearish”, which is used to refer to a negative sentiment for the market or investment.
Here are some ways the terms “Bull” or “Bullish” can be used:
XRP looking bullish atm. LFG
Wen next bull run?
Next bull run I am going it make it big
#BITCOIN BULL RUN BEGINS. pic.twitter.com/Hna7GItTL5
— TAnalyst (@AurelienOhayon) July 4, 2023
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Hwee Yan
Hwee Yan has been involved in the cryptocurrency space since 2021. Currently pursuing a degree in Linguistics and Multilingual studies at Nanyang Technological University, she is a writer who is mainly interested in NFTs, crypto trends and memecoins.