Externally Owned Accounts (EOA)
By CoinGecko | Updated on Aug 13, 2021
Externally owned accounts (EOAs) are accounts that are controlled by a private key and have no coding associated with them. If you hold the private key associated with an EOA, you can send Ether and messages from it.
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Initial Coin Offering (ICO)
Initial Coin Offering (ICO) is the equivalent of Initial Public Offering (IPO), where a company/cryptocurrency venture raises funds through crowd sales.
Salt (cryptography)
In cryptography, a salt is the additional random input that is added to password or passphrase to make the password hash unique. It prevents from the hashed output password to be cracked so easily by the hacker.
A coin with no obvious potential value or usage.
Dead Cat Bounce
Price rally that is short lived after a prolonged decline. Price charts will show a recovery in anticipation of a market turnaround only to decline further.
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