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Bluejay is Ready for Takeoff!
If you've played around with the stablecoin protocol Bluejay Finance on the now deprecated Rinkeby testnet, you've probably been whitelisted for the initial sale of the platform's governance token, BLU.
Whitelisted participants will receive an allocation to purchase a set amount of tokens based on the tasks completed on the testnet. More tasks mean more tokens you can purchase.
The sale will be launched on November 3rd at an initial price of $5 for whitelisted users and $10 for the public.
Yama Finance
Yama Finance recently published this Tweet and even though information is scarce at the moment, with only words like "the first cross-chain decentralized" and "clearing house" visible on the post, it seems to have worked well in capturing the attention of Crypto Twitter.
As with these things, there's no harm in keeping an eye out for new protocol launches like Yama Finance, and who knows, it might pay to do exactly as what the Tweet suggests - "You might want to like, retweet, comment, and follow".
Fueling the Fire
Fire launched at the start of this week, a Web3 tool that helps users see what happens on the smart contract level in a human-readable format.
You can download the Fire Chrome extension, after which you can test the product by minting a free NFT!
For more info and official links, have a look at their Tweet thread here.
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