AXL Price
How is the price of Axelar (AXL) calculated?
The price of Axelar (AXL) is calculated in real-time by aggregating the latest data across 56 exchanges and 71 markets, using a global volume-weighted average formula. Learn more about how crypto prices are calculated on CoinGecko.
Axelar Price Chart (AXL)
1h | 24h | 7d | 14d | 30d | 1y |
1.5% | 1.6% | 2.8% | 4.5% | 19.0% | 77.9% |
AXL Converter
Market Cap
Market Cap = Current Price x Circulating Supply
Refers to the total market value of a cryptocurrency’s circulating supply. It is similar to the stock market’s measurement of multiplying price per share by shares readily available in the market (not held & locked by insiders, governments) Read More |
$594,770,210 |
Market Cap / FDV
The proportion of current market capitalization compares to market capitalization when meeting max supply.
The closer the Mkt Cap/FDV to 1, the closer the current market capitalization to its fully diluted valuation and vice versa. Learn more about Mkt Cap/FDV here. |
0.71 |
Market Cap / TVL Ratio
Ratio of market capitalization over total value locked of this asset. A ratio of more than 1.0 refers to its market cap being greater than its total value locked.
MC/TVL is used to approximate a protocol’s market value vs. the amount in assets it has staked/locked. |
2.75 |
Fully Diluted Valuation
Fully Diluted Valuation (FDV) = Current Price x Total Supply
Fully Diluted Valuation (FDV) is the theoretical market capitalization of a coin if the entirety of its supply is in circulation, based on its current market price. The FDV value is theoretical as increasing the circulating supply of a coin may impact its market price. Also depending on the tokenomics, emission schedule or lock-up period of a coin's supply, it may take a significant time before its entire supply is released into circulation. Learn more about FDV here. |
$834,677,603 |
Fully Diluted Valuation / TVL Ratio
Ratio of fully diluted valuation (FDV) over total value locked (TVL) of this asset. A ratio of more than 1.0 means that the FDV is greater than its TVL.
FDV/TVL is used to approximate a protocol’s fully diluted market value vs. the amount in assets it has staked/locked. |
3.87 |
24 Hour Trading Vol
A measure of a cryptocurrency trading volume across all tracked platforms in the last 24 hours. This is tracked on a rolling 24-hour basis with no open/closing times.
Read More |
$21,625,404 |
Total Value Locked (TVL)
Capital deposited into the platform in the form of loan collateral or liquidity trading pool.
Data provided by Defi Llama |
$215,908,947 |
Circulating Supply
The amount of coins that are circulating in the market and are tradeable by the public. It is comparable to looking at shares readily available in the market (not held & locked by insiders, governments).
Read More |
Total Supply
The amount of coins that have already been created, minus any coins that have been burned (removed from circulation). It is comparable to outstanding shares in the stock market.
Total Supply = Onchain supply - burned tokens |
1,175,786,526 |
Max Supply
The maximum number of coins coded to exist in the lifetime of the cryptocurrency. It is comparable to the maximum number of issuable shares in the stock market.
Max Supply = Theoretical maximum as coded |
∞ |
AXL Historical Price
24h Range | $0.6984 – $0.7340 |
7d Range | $0.6207 – $0.7731 |
All-Time High |
Mar 01, 2024 (8 months)
All-Time Low |
Oct 26, 2023 (about 1 year)
How do you feel about AXL today?
What is Axelar
Axelar powers the interchain future.
Axelar is a programmable blockchain interoperability layer that spans all of Web3. That means application users can interact with any asset, any application, on any chain, with one click. You can think of it as Stripe for Web3.
Developers interact with a simple API atop a permissionless network that routes messages and ensures network security via proof-of-stake consensus.
What Makes Axelar Unique?
Most cross-chain solutions are bridges, which carry risk in the form of wrapped tokens and weak security. Axelar is a blockchain that connects blockchains, providing a programmable interchain layer that is Turing-complete: it can support any logic. As such, Axelar delivers features other cross-chain providers cannot duplicate. For example, Axelar supports:
- General Message Passing (GMP), allowing applications to compose functions across ecosystems, including Cosmos-EVM.
- A full-featured block explorer, Axelarscan, with metrics to track interchain growth and activity.
- One-time cross-chain deposit addresses that allow decentralized applications to onboard any token, with UX to rival that of centralized exchanges.
- Axelar is built on proof-of-stake, the decentralized approach used by many of the chains it connects.Most other solutions are permissioned multisigs.
History of Axelar
Axelar was founded in 2020 by Algorand veterans Sergey Gorbunov and Georgios Vlachos. The white paper, released in 2021, pioneered ideas like arbitrary message passing cross-chain. Axelar's backers include Binance, Coinbase, Dragonfly, Galaxy and Polychain. In February, 2022, the network launched to mainnet. Since then, Axelar has integrated 36+ blockchains, including Cosmos and EVM. About 100 projects are building on top of the network from multiple ecosystems.
What’s Next for Axelar
In February, 2023, at the Axelar-hosted Interop Summit at ETHDenver, Axelar announced the upcoming release of the Axelar Virtual Machine. Powered by Cosmwasm, the Axelar Virtual Machine turns interoperability into a programmable layer. It enables developers to write smart contracts on Axelar, while scaling their interchain deployments and “programming” the cross-chain networking layer.
What Can Axelar's Native Token ($AXL) be Used For?
To provide secure interoperability, Axelar network uses battle-tested proof-of-stake consensus. Network validators produce new blocks, participate in multiparty signing and vote on external chain states. As such, the native token $AXL has three important roles: 1) Tokenholders stake $AXL, delegating tokens to a validator’s staking pool and receiving rewards, minus the validator’s commission. 2) $AXL is used for governance, allowing stakers to exercise governance over proposals, such as a parameter change or protocol upgrade. 3) $AXL is used to pay network transaction fees to validators and tokenholders, but users of the Axelar network do not need to hold the token. Conversions into $AXL tokens and destination-chain tokens are handled on the back end via smart-contract logic, so that users need only pay gas once, in the source-chain token.
To learn more about Axelar, please check out the following articles:
Where can you buy Axelar?
AXL tokens can be traded on centralized crypto exchanges. The most popular exchange to buy and trade Axelar is Binance, where the most active trading pair AXL/USDT has a trading volume of $4,925,643.24 in the last 24 hours. Other popular options include WhiteBIT and XT.COM.
What is the daily trading volume of Axelar (AXL)?
The trading volume of Axelar (AXL) is $21,683,495.22 in the last 24 hours, representing a -14.70% decrease from one day ago and signalling a recent fall in market activity.
What is the all-time high for Axelar (AXL)?
The highest price paid for Axelar (AXL) is BTC0.00006073, which was recorded on Mar 01, 2024 (8 months). Comparatively, the current price is -73.20% lower than the all-time high price.
What is the all-time low for Axelar (AXL)?
The lowest price paid for Axelar (AXL) is BTC0.057656, which was recorded on Oct 26, 2023 (about 1 year). Comparatively, the current price is 126.20% higher than the all-time low price.
What is the market cap of Axelar (AXL)?
Market capitalization of Axelar (AXL) is BTC7,791.1312 and is ranked #144 on CoinGecko today. Market cap is measured by multiplying token price with the circulating supply of AXL tokens (840 Million tokens are tradable on the market today).
What is the fully diluted valuation of Axelar (AXL)?
The fully diluted valuation (FDV) of Axelar (AXL) is BTC10,933.7734. This is a statistical representation of the maximum market cap, assuming total number of 1.2 Billion ETH tokens are in circulation today.
How does the price performance of Axelar compare against its peers?
With a price increase of 3.00% in the last 7 days, Axelar (AXL) is underperforming the global cryptocurrency market which is up 11.50%, while outperforming when compared to similar Polygon Ecosystem cryptocurrencies which are up 0.00%.
How to add Axelar (AXL) to MetaMask?
Adding Axelar (AXL) to MetaMask allows you to view your token holdings, trade on decentralized exchanges, and more. To add them, you’ll need to import AXL as a token. You can copy AXL’s contract address (0x467719ad09025fcc6cf6f8311755809d45a5e5f3) and import it manually, or if you've installed MetaMask's chrome extension, add AXL to MetaMask with one click on CoinGecko.
Add AXL to MetaMask.
Axelar Markets
# | Exchange | Pair | Price | Spread | +2% Depth | -2% Depth | 24h Volume | Volume % | Last Updated | Trust Score | |
1 |
$0.70851921970623550000000000000000 | 0.06% | $162,609 | $129,113 | $4,926,217 | 22.45% |
2 |
$0.709584534648514000000000000000000 | 0.03% | $217,452 | $236,947 | $2,026,808 | 9.24% |
3 |
$0.709129463350841700000000000000000 | 0.08% | $128,512 | $161,642 | $1,612,153 | 7.35% |
4 |
$0.709268351640199100000000000000000 | 0.07% | $92,908 | $91,040 | $1,311,483 | 5.98% |
5 |
$0.7092338051730633000000000000000000000000000000 | 0.01% | $25,903 | $20,647 | $144,076 | 0.66% |
6 |
$0.710201989830317600000000000000000 | 0.1% | $827 | $1,351 | $1,274,919 | 5.81% |
7 |
$0.70730000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 | 0.14% | $59,585 | $128,724 | $1,187,922 | 5.42% |
8 |
$0.70835419009885880000000000000000 | 0.2% | $12,182 | $13,122 | $812,109 | 3.7% |
9 |
$0.70671840835990510000000000000000 | 0.1% | $35,942 | $66,770 | $313,461 | 1.43% |
10 |
$0.709577342930700500000000000000000 | 0.04% | $8,345 | $8,093 | $80,245.00 | 0.37% |