How is the price of Sushi (SUSHI) calculated?
The price of Sushi (SUSHI) is calculated in real-time by aggregating the latest data across 144 exchanges and 220 markets, using a global volume-weighted average formula. Learn more about how crypto prices are calculated on CoinGecko.
Sushi Price Chart (SUSHI)
1h | 24h | 7d | 14d | 30d | 1y |
1.4% | 18.8% | 50.8% | 103.4% | 154.0% | 43.1% |
SUSHI Converter
Market Cap
Market Cap = Current Price x Circulating Supply
Refers to the total market value of a cryptocurrency’s circulating supply. It is similar to the stock market’s measurement of multiplying price per share by shares readily available in the market (not held & locked by insiders, governments) Read More |
$356,235,715 |
Market Cap / FDV
The proportion of current market capitalization compares to market capitalization when meeting max supply.
The closer the Mkt Cap/FDV to 1, the closer the current market capitalization to its fully diluted valuation and vice versa. Learn more about Mkt Cap/FDV here. |
0.69 |
Market Cap / TVL Ratio
Ratio of market capitalization over total value locked of this asset. A ratio of more than 1.0 refers to its market cap being greater than its total value locked.
MC/TVL is used to approximate a protocol’s market value vs. the amount in assets it has staked/locked. |
1.13 |
Fully Diluted Valuation
Fully Diluted Valuation (FDV) = Current Price x Total Supply
Fully Diluted Valuation (FDV) is the theoretical market capitalization of a coin if the entirety of its supply is in circulation, based on its current market price. The FDV value is theoretical as increasing the circulating supply of a coin may impact its market price. Also depending on the tokenomics, emission schedule or lock-up period of a coin's supply, it may take a significant time before its entire supply is released into circulation. Learn more about FDV here. |
$514,188,677 |
Fully Diluted Valuation / TVL Ratio
Ratio of fully diluted valuation (FDV) over total value locked (TVL) of this asset. A ratio of more than 1.0 means that the FDV is greater than its TVL.
FDV/TVL is used to approximate a protocol’s fully diluted market value vs. the amount in assets it has staked/locked. |
1.63 |
24 Hour Trading Vol
A measure of a cryptocurrency trading volume across all tracked platforms in the last 24 hours. This is tracked on a rolling 24-hour basis with no open/closing times.
Read More |
$487,267,694 |
Total Value Locked (TVL)
Capital deposited into the platform in the form of loan collateral or liquidity trading pool.
Data provided by Defi Llama |
$316,265,450 |
Circulating Supply
The amount of coins that are circulating in the market and are tradeable by the public. It is comparable to looking at shares readily available in the market (not held & locked by insiders, governments).
Read More |
Total Supply
The amount of coins that have already been created, minus any coins that have been burned (removed from circulation). It is comparable to outstanding shares in the stock market.
Total Supply = Onchain supply - burned tokens |
278,270,954 |
Max Supply
The maximum number of coins coded to exist in the lifetime of the cryptocurrency. It is comparable to the maximum number of issuable shares in the stock market.
Max Supply = Theoretical maximum as coded |
∞ |
SUSHI Historical Price
24h Range | $1.49 – $1.86 |
7d Range | $1.22 – $1.81 |
All-Time High |
Mar 13, 2021 (over 3 years)
All-Time Low |
Aug 05, 2024 (4 months)
How do you feel about SUSHI today?
What is Sushi?
Sushi is a DeFi protocol that is completely community-driven, serving up delicious interest for your held crypto assets.
On Sushi, you can take advantage of passive-income providing DeFi tools such as liquidity providing, yield farming and staking. Furthermore, due to the decentralized nature of being an AMM (Automated Market Maker), Sushi has fewer hurdles to execute your cryptocurrency trades and all fees are paid to the users who provided liquidity, just as it should be!
Sushi is host to many hidden gems that are unavailable on other, similar exchanges, so it is a great way to discover new, exclusive opportunities. Sushi, serving DeFi’s best!
What is the SUSHI token?
SUSHI is a governance token that enables community governance over the Sushi ecosystem. This means that SUSHI holders can use their tokens to vote for platform proposals to further ecosystem initiatives.
The SUSHI token can be farmed by participating in the yield farming program.
The SUSHI token may also be staked across various platforms such as Sushi's very own, SushiBar, or can be used as collateral on platforms such as Sushi's Yearn ecosystem partner, Aave.
Is SUSHI a good investment?
When Sushiswap was launched, the SUSHI token was traded as low as $0.50 each due to the incident of Chef Nomi, its creator leaving the project with the development fund. After that the project leadership shifted to 0xmaki and the community in which we saw the token trading at almost $23 at an all-time-high, which is a staggering 4600% ROI increase since the lows. While the token price is volatile as we see correctional waves due to speculation, the SUSHI token also extracts value from trading fees. That is, SUSHI holders can stake to redeem xSUSHI which entitles them to earn 0.05% for all trades on Sushiswap.
The History of Sushi
Sushi was announced in September of 2020 by an anonymous developer going by the name of, Chef Nomi. Upon its release, Sushi, also known as SushiSwap, attracted a lot of industry attention for labelling itself a community-driven AMM (Automated Market Maker). It was an exciting platform idea that spoke to the ethos of true decentralization.
Upon gaining quite a lot of traction in the DeFi community, Chef Nomi felt his work was done and made his exit by removing $14 million in SUSHI tokens from the Sushi development fund, which is the amount he personally felt he deserved for developing the platform. Many people felt this was in direct contrast to his community-driven platform vision, so he gave the funds back and asked the community to decide the amount he deserved.
When this event took place, many industry members believed that it had damaged Sushi’s reputation too much for the platform to continue. However, an early Sushi believer, 0xMaki, stepped up to fill the empty role of Sushi lead and built the platform to incredible heights, even overtaking Uniswap in total platform liquidity on more than one occasion. Due to this unbelievable comeback, many people admire the Sushi community and team for growing the platform back and beyond the platform it was in its early days.
Sushi, still led by 0xMaki, now has a bigger team than ever, of talented individuals, creating innovative products such as BentoBox, Kashi, MISO, Mirin and Shoyu. Sushi's history has only just begun.
Where can you buy Sushi?
SUSHI tokens can be traded on centralized crypto exchanges. The most popular exchange to buy and trade Sushi is Binance, where the most active trading pair SUSHI/USDT has a trading volume of $66,975,826.80 in the last 24 hours. Other popular options include WhiteBIT and OKX.
What is the daily trading volume of Sushi (SUSHI)?
The trading volume of Sushi (SUSHI) is $486,530,865.13 in the last 24 hours, representing a 149.60% increase from one day ago and signalling a recent rise in market activity.
What is the all-time high for Sushi (SUSHI)?
The highest price paid for Sushi (SUSHI) is BTC0.0007419, which was recorded on Mar 13, 2021 (over 3 years). Comparatively, the current price is -92.10% lower than the all-time high price.
What is the all-time low for Sushi (SUSHI)?
The lowest price paid for Sushi (SUSHI) is BTC0.057434, which was recorded on Aug 05, 2024 (4 months). Comparatively, the current price is 309.80% higher than the all-time low price.
What is the market cap of Sushi (SUSHI)?
Market capitalization of Sushi (SUSHI) is BTC3,575.5040 and is ranked #296 on CoinGecko today. Market cap is measured by multiplying token price with the circulating supply of SUSHI tokens (190 Million tokens are tradable on the market today).
What is the fully diluted valuation of Sushi (SUSHI)?
The fully diluted valuation (FDV) of Sushi (SUSHI) is BTC5,160.8629. This is a statistical representation of the maximum market cap, assuming total number of 280 Million ETH tokens are in circulation today.
How does the price performance of Sushi compare against its peers?
With a price increase of 50.60% in the last 7 days, Sushi (SUSHI) is outperforming the global cryptocurrency market which is up 7.50%, while outperforming when compared to similar Polygon Ecosystem cryptocurrencies which are up 0.00%.
How to add Sushi (SUSHI) to MetaMask?
Adding Sushi (SUSHI) to MetaMask allows you to view your token holdings, trade on decentralized exchanges, and more. To add them, you’ll need to import SUSHI as a token. You can copy SUSHI’s contract address (0x6b3595068778dd592e39a122f4f5a5cf09c90fe2) and import it manually, or if you've installed MetaMask's chrome extension, add SUSHI to MetaMask with one click on CoinGecko.
Add SUSHI to MetaMask.
Sushi Markets
# | Exchange | Pair | Price | Spread | +2% Depth | -2% Depth | 24h Volume | Volume % | Last Updated | Trust Score | |
1 |
$1.84 | 0.05% | $294,657 | $463,002 | $66,975,826 | 13.77% |
2 |
$1.85 | 0.01% | $360,521 | $379,233 | $12,429,737 | 2.55% |
3 |
$1.85 | 0.09% | $101,904 | $177,446 | $24,107,691 | 4.96% |
4 |
$1.84 | 0.06% | $40,003 | $47,950 | $14,105,152 | 2.9% |
5 |
$1.85 | 0.11% | $50,063 | $82,036 | $23,759,858 | 4.88% |
6 |
$1.84 | 0.05% | $385,315 | $408,934 | $9,750,156 | 2.0% |
7 |
$1.84 | 0.11% | $91,230 | $92,993 | $18,539,345 | 3.81% |
8 |
$1.84 | 0.13% | $112,184 | $105,236 | $16,465,857 | 3.38% |
9 |
$1.85 | 0.11% | $224,176 | $191,853 | $10,755,427 | 2.21% |
10 |
$1.84 | 0.16% | $17,746 | $17,781 | $13,499,908 | 2.78% |