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Ever since the success of The Walking Dead and, more recently, The Last of Us, post-apocalyptic video games and TV shows featuring the undead have captivated audiences over the past few years. If you’re a fan of zombies and P2E games, then Undeads may just be right up your alley.
Slated to be launched on the Ethereum blockchain, Undeads is an upcoming Play-to-Earn MMORPG where players can explore new locations, gather resources to craft items and defend their settlements from enemy attacks. Featuring similar elements to isometric survival games such as Project Zomboid, gameplay will feel largely familiar to gamers who aren't too familiar with crypto, albeit with the inclusion of in-game dynamic NFTs that will continuously evolve as your character gains more experience and learns new skills.
Not only that, but the team is also looking to integrate Virtual Reality into the Undeads metaverse, allowing players to interact with others and play a variety of minigames in a social environment within the Undeads universe. If that has piqued your interest, then let’s jump into the world of Undeads.
What Exactly is Undeads?
Set in the dystopian future of 2035, a virus has turned a part of the human race into mindless zombies, which will act as the NPCs within the Undeads universe, while some have retained their humanlike abilities along with some psychic abilities, otherwise known as the ‘smart zombies’, which will become playable characters. However, via the use of an untested antidote, players can return to normal human beings or become mutated humans with augmented abilities.
Undeads pits the human players against the smart zombie players in a battle to expand their respective territories, which each faction hellbent on completely exterminating the other. Unlike the classic tropes of having conflicts between several human factions in an attempt to survive against the undead, now the humans have the smart zombies as their common enemy.
However, unlike most games where players can choose who they want to play as right off the bat, players will have to start out as zombies. Players can mint Mystery Boxes that contain a random potion with 5 different rarities. Each potion can be used to mint a random Zombie NFT based on the potion’s rarity - all the way from common to legendary. There are only 11 legendary NFTs available out of a total supply of 6666 zombies, so as you can imagine, these are pretty rare and have much better stats compared to the rest. If you want a Legendary NFT immediately, you can secure one for yourself by picking up one of the six Legendary Boxes currently available.
Source: Undeads
But if playing as a zombie isn’t your thing, you can obtain a Human NFT using an Antidote that is given out for free to Zombie NFT holders. Upon using an antidote, players can receive a random Human from a total of 6,655 NFTs or one of 11 Legendary Mutants, which, again, has special traits compared to a regular Zombie or Human NFT. Compared to Zombies, Humans can also learn one of three in-game professions to earn more rewards.
Source: Undeads
The Undeads Economy
Source: Undeads
Like similar P2E games, Undeads incorporates features that can be commonly found in previous titles, such as owning land NFTs, crafting, and breeding, which facilitates an environment where players are in control of the game’s economy.
The world of Undeads is made up of 2 different types of land NFTs - regions and buildings. Consisting of only 100 units, regions represent the largest and most expensive land plots, allowing the owner to receive passive rewards from other users’ game activity. Land plots are split into 3 different types of territories that may be more suitable for a specific faction but also come with different risks and rewards.
On the other hand, building NFTs allow players to construct special structures that provide certain benefits for the owner and will vary on whether you are playing as a Zombie or Human. For example, infrastructure buildings such as the armory and chemistry laboratory allow players to craft ranged weapons and consumables while municipal buildings such as hospitals allow you to heal and stake your character to earn in-game token rewards.
Source: Undeads
Besides that, crafting will also be an essential part of the Undeads ecosystem. By gathering resources (or taking them from a defeated opponent), players can craft a variety of items for a specific faction, such as weapons, tools, or vehicles, to travel much faster across the Undeads world. If you just love having a specific type of armor or weapon, you can choose to upgrade them with special perks and bonuses to increase your damage output and survivability. These items can also be found in special boxes scattered throughout the game and are tradeable as NFTs.
Source: Undeads
While humans are usually the ones with the ability to breed, Undeads flips the script by incorporating a breeding mechanism purely for Zombies. Out of the 6,655 regular zombies, 20% will be made up of Zombie Women, each with a unique trait known as the fertility rate. By pairing a regular zombie male with a female zombie, players will be able to breed up to 5 Zombie Kids, which will grow into fully-fledged adult zombies in a specific time frame. Like other components of the game, the Zombie Kids are also NFTs that can be sold on the in-game marketplace.
Source: Undeads
It’s not really a P2E game without in-game tokens and currencies, and Undeads has chosen to adopt a dual-token model, with UDS being the governance token and UGOLD as the utility token. Below is a quick summary of how these tokens can be earned and used within the Undeads ecosystem.
Can be used to breed zombies, purchase items from the in-game marketplace, and vote on governance decisions.
Will be initially issued via an initial coin offering on centralized or decentralized protocols and subsequently be earned through staking, voting, and playing the game.
Will be tradeable on Undeads’ in-game swap platform.
Can be used in-game to purchase item upgrades and increase characters’ levels.
May be tradeable on secondary exchanges.
Can be earned from staking UDS, in-game NFTS, and performing in-game tasks.
You may think that earning these tokens would only be possible by owning one of Undead’s many NFTs, but don’t fret! Free-to-play enthusiasts may join the Undeads universe by becoming mercenaries, allowing players to earn and experience some of the game's features without needing any NFTs.
While mercenaries will only receive limited tools, they will still be able to craft items and battle against other players. If you’re keen on experiencing the game in its entirety, you can potentially upgrade your mercenary into a zombie or human NFT that will retain its stats and equipment.
What Can I Do Now?
While there’s still a long way to go before the Undeads metaverse is officially launched, the team has stated that the game would be released in three to four months. Even though there aren’t any real gameplay trailers or early access footage, you can check out their latest cinematic trailer, which captures the concept of the Undeads metaverse.
Still, if you’re keen on getting into Undeads, you can already purchase Mystery or Legendary Boxes to get your Zombie NFTs, which also come with a free Antidote that can be redeemed for a Human NFT. The Mystery Boxes and Legendary Boxes are currently on sale for 0.08 ETH (~$144) and 32 ETH ($57,600), respectively, but if you would rather choose a Zombie with certain attributes, you can get one from the secondary marketplace for roughly the same price as a Mystery Box.
Source: Undeads
In the meantime, Undeads has also announced their latest competition exclusively for Undeads NFT holders, where participants will have a chance to win one of three prizes in the form of blue-chip NFTs from Yuga Labs, with a total prize pool of over 20 ETH. The first prize is a coveted MAYC NFT valued at (~13 ETH), while the second prize is a Bored Ape Kennel Club NFT (~6.5 ETH). The third-place winner will receive an Otherdeed NFT (~2 ETH). Each prize is worth fighting for, as all three NFTs are blue-chip digital assets that any NFT collector would love to have in their portfolio.
The competition is relatively simple. To win the MAYC NFT, participants will have to mint and reveal an Epic-rarity zombie with specific traits. The traits of the chosen zombie will are listed in the rules of the contest that will end on April 10. The BAKC NFT will go to the holder of another particular Epic-rarity zombie, while the Otherdeed NFT will be awarded to the person who mints a Rare zombie with the specified traits.
The beauty of this competition is that it's accessible to everyone. To participate, all you need to do is mint that specific zombie, and that’s all there is to it. With such desirable prizes at stake, fans and holders of Yuga Labs’ various collections may be tempted to join in the fun. Even if you don’t want to mint any NFTs, the team is also hosting a community giveaway that is open to the public with a prize pool of 11ETH. However, Zombie NFT owners have a chance to win a larger share of the prize pool, with 10 ETH being given out to 10 random holders.
For more information about the game, the lore, and everything else Undeads, head over to and make your decision to stand with or against the undead.
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